When purchasing a new property, your landscape vision may be very different from the prior owner’s.

Last spring, we met with customers facing this experience. 

The new homeowners hired us to remove the old, damaged, and overgrown shrubs in their front and side yard and were eager to make the outside space their own.

They wanted to create a formal yet simple design that would enhance the architectural features of their new property. We noted that the originally installed landscaping components were not the proper scale and they lacked seasonal interest.

We worked with our customers to design a visually appealing and welcoming landscape. 







We began by removing all the old plant material and were able to start over with a clean slate.

Next, boxwood shrubs and hedges were installed to provide structure and flowering shrubs accented the look.

We also planted hydrangeas and roses to provide flowers that would bloom much of the summer and fall.

























Our design provides a clean, open landscape that provides a lovely front entrance.

The plant material and structural alignment will be easy to maintain as it matures.

We advise seasonal fertilization is until the plants fully establish.

Our clients are as delighted as we are with the new look!
















You don’t have to be a new homeowner to change your landscape. We are happy to help design your project and bring your vision to life!

Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation!